Monday, June 9, 2008

Holy Custom Sneakers Batman!!

So back when I did the adidas event, we had an "Enter to Win" contest for some free customs. We did the drawing and the winner could get anything they wanted on a pair of Superstars. I talked to the winner and she said she wanted a Batman themed shoe. I was originally only going to do the outsides, but I saw an opportunity to add more elements to it.

It has an old school comic feel to it. My cousin Mike has a CRAZY comic book collection and I remember reading them was I was younger, so I definitely have that appreciation. I used the OG blue (haha) to really bring that out along with the old title logo and "sound effect" punch graphic.

Tanya, the winner, hasn't seen them yet. I'm gonna give her a call tomorrow and hopefully she'll dig 'em. I let you know the verdict after the drop!

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